Home Sale Services – Well and Septic Testing: MOA and ADEC
- As-built Surveys
- Corners Staking
- Drainage Evaluations
- Lot-line and Boundary Surveys
- Structural Inspections
ArcTerra is available to meet your testing and evaluation needs when buying or selling your home. We specialize in on-site septic adequacy and well flow testing for the Municipality of Anchorage COSA (Certificate of On-site Systems Approval), which is required for all residential title transfers with private wells and septic systems. Our team retains our certification with the MOA to provide this service with the most up to date procedures and technical information available.
We urge our clients to have the testing of these systems done early in the sale proceedings to alleviate concerns of the certification and allow adequate time, if the need arises, to take any corrective actions without the delay or loss of a sale. The testing procedure only takes 24 hours and the certification is valid for up to two years. Providing prospective home buyers this engineering report is a bonus for negotiations.
ArcTerra also provides as-built surveys, lot-line and boundary surveys, and corners staking to establish accurate land title information. Structural inspections and drainage issues can be evaluated, and recommendations provided, as an additional service to our clients.
Property Site Development
- Percolation Tests
- Property Evaluations
- Soil Hole Tests
- Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program
ArcTerra has the expertise to help our clients evaluate properties for use as their dream home or investment opportunity. Knowing the specific features on a site is a key element in cost effective development. ArcTerra has the historical and regional knowledge to help you determine the best use of your property. Starting with an overview of the surrounding area, topographic features, ground water limitations and soil conditions of a site, ArcTerra is able to provide thorough analysis and guidance as you develop your property.
Soil test holes and percolation tests are necessary for determining a property’s suitability as a home site. ArcTerra works with several qualified contractors in performing these tests that minimize the disturbance of the natural features on the property while recommending the best use of the property. ArcTerra will also provide the survey plot plans, septic design and other documentation necessary for your permitting needs.
Land Development and Subdivision
- Design Subdivision Projects
- Develop Subdivision Projects
ArcTerra has over 25 years of experience in land development and subdivision work. Over the years, ArcTerra has worked with several developers and contributed to over 500 home sites in Anchorage, Eagle River and the Mat-Su valley. Utilizing our knowledge of the community planning processes, the current real estate markets, and sound civil engineering practices allows ArcTerra to design and develop economically feasible subdivision projects that enhance the local neighborhood and area.
Project Management
- As-built Construction Drawings
- Inspection Reports
- Permitting Process
- Planning Process
- Site Testing
- Site Visit and Consultation
Other Consulting Services
ArcTerra has the experience and expertise to review, analysis, and evaluate properties or developments to ascertain the economic viability. With a wide knowledge of development processes and costs that directly relate to the financial strength of a property ArcTerra can develop recommendations and strategies to provide a solid direction in either maintaining or re-directing the economic viability of existing or proposed residential or commercial property. Using both best-management practices and solid financial analysis creates a more thorough and in depth understanding of the costs and benefits in your