Don’t Wait – Test Early

posted in: COSA, Helpful Tips, MOA, Water | 0

TestEarlySelling a home is a BIG job and ArcTerra wants to help you be successful and confident in the process. All properties within the Municipality of Anchorage that are not served by public water and or sewer are required to acquire a COSA (Certificate of On-Site Systems Approval) for the transfer of property title. (Learn more about COSAs) Most lenders require the same testing of the systems in the Mat-Su area with an Engineer’s Report.

Just as a seller would de-clutter, paint and freshen up a property reading it for sale –ArcTerra recommends having well and septic testing started early on in the listing process. There are several reasons testing early can be helpful at the time of listing, the first being the knowledge and satisfaction that you can assure a potential buyer that the well and septic systems will not be an issue. Peace of mind for both seller and buyer! The septic adequacy and well flow testing are valid for up to two years and while the water quality lab results are time sensitive (valid for 90 days) this portion can be delayed until a contract is signed.

If repairs or excavation is needed the work and some of the costs may be more readily included into the overall price of the home. Additionally, when those repairs are needed the time involved can take several weeks for permitting and construction before the COSA is approved which could delay a potential closing or worse the sale falling through.

Waiting until the home is under contract increases the stress of waiting for results and possibly more expensive RUSH fees due to last minute submissions to the MOA. Combining MOA fees with water lab rush fees can significantly increase the costs of certification by hundreds of dollars and several weeks. We regularly have clients contact us at the last minute for testing and unfortunately, at times, issues arise and a septic upgrade, or other work, is required.

We offer a SPECIAL TEST AT LIST invoicing program because we feel so strongly about testing early. We strive to provide timely and exceptional service to the real estate community and offer convenient payment options to meet our client’s needs. Please contact us for further details.

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